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Surf-Skate SmoothStar

SmoothStar skateboards or Surf-Skate boards have become a popular land based surf training tool in recent times. They are different to other skateboards in their far greater movement and turning ability.  What is great about this activity is that it enables us to work closely with participants on their techniques, as well as have constant feedback, or identify quickly how the person is feeling or thinking.  Unlike your regular skateboard the Smoothstar is self-propelling, so once the participant learns how to pump the board, they can contuniue without ever touching the ground.  To properly use the SmoothStar requires you to connect your whole body, and control tension.  Smoothstars can be also used in small spaces (i.e. garage), roads, and skate-parks.  

This activity also allows us to progressively work towards helping the participant build self efficacy (self belief in abilities), receive immediate feedback from a task, as well as provide a platform for us to look at goal setting styles, and approaches to learning.  

Apart from this, joining in a skating session at the local skate park can sometimes be a nerve racking experience for some, however Surf Skating attracts a lot of attention because of its smooth flowing lines and rider style - often inviting many questions from other park users.  We initially train on flat ground, which in itself is really beneficial to the participant, however can move to skate parks, where transition is actually quite simple once the core movements are down.  

A skatepark can also be a really friendly and fun place for people, especially when they understand the etiquette, and learn to be aware of other park users.  These social barriers are often generated from negative past experiences, or low self esteem.  It is not a perfect world sometimes, however for the most skateparks are places where people enjoy themselves and the challenges each skater is taking on.  Our goal is to try and make you a sound surf skater, who is competent at taking on new skills.  


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